Every movie that releases has a hero, heroine, villain, comedian and other characters. But the hero of the movie has the utmost importance. The hero is the center of attraction of the entire film and the story revolves around him and the heroine is used just as a distraction for the hero. This is a worrying reality.
In most of the films, the heroine is the love interest of the hero, who first disagrees with the hero and then loves him, dances for a duet and then watches the hero fight the villain and save her. Women are largely portrayed to be weak and are only present to love the hero. Their contribution to the film is restricted to a glamours dance.
Now a days, there are movies coming with women oriented scripts, but they are comparatively really less than the other genres. The women oriented movies talk about the societal problems faced by women and contains certain messages for the audience, but entertainment movies with heroine as a lead are not being made. There is a lot of gender stereotyping in the entertainment industry and a large number of jokes degrading women are present in many movies. Most of the movies has one song for the hero and his friends to drink and dance because of love failure. These songs always blame the women for the breakup and make the audience feel pity for the hero. The heroine is always a target for the hero's enemy and the she needs the hero's help to get saved from the villain.
Movies that create so much impact to the audience need to be really cautious in the way they portray the characters. The movies teach a lot to the youth and it is important to teach the right things. A strong woman character in a movie can inspire a young girl to be the same way and not be dependent on a hero for leading her life.
- Aparna S
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