This article is going to be about my experience on watching a movie that had all that a movie should have- hero, heroine, villain,story, jokes, emotions, dialogues, but with something really unique, the whole movie had only one person in it! The movie is " Otha Serupu Size 7 ".The entire two hours of the movie had only the actor Partibhan on screen and I could only hear the voices of the other characters ! How unique is that !I seriously did not even imagine such a thing would be possible. How could only one person act an entire movie by himself  ? It was not like a story telling, it was a real movie. 
I do not like reading reviews before watching the movie, so I had no idea about the movie before I saw it and I was awestruck on watching  the movie with only one actor.  It was indeed good, there were unexpected twists in the story, a father's love, and witty humor. I must admit I was a little bored on watching him on screen for the whole movie but, the very idea behind the movie and his belief that the audience could understand and accept a movie with only one actor fascinated me into watching that movie. I have watched mono-act plays, that is different, in a mono-act play all characters will be played by a single person but, in this movie the actor plays only his role but still manages to deliver a full-fledged movie. The movie is a rare attempt in Indian cinema with the film being written, directed, acted and produced by a single person and a must watch for passionate film making and a different  experience.
                                                                                                                   - Aparna S


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